This documentary explores a Michigan town’s fraught relationship with “the fishfly”, an aquatic bug that swarms ashore each June before dying. Unfortunately, this natural cycle coincides with the town’s summer carnival. THE FESTIVAL is a portrait of the unique celebration, the small-town that hosts it, and those who come to visit — human and insects alike.
It won FILMSHOP’s Breakthrough Artist Award of 2016 and premiered at an industry screening moderated by Beau Willimon (creator, House of Cards) and Tom Jennings (PBS's Frontline).
Screenings & Accolades
Winner, FilmShop's Breakthrough Artist Award of 2016 (NYC Collective)
Winner, the 2016 Gottlieb Environmental Award of Excellence, G2 Green Earth Film Festival
Official Selection, The 25th Hot Springs Documentary Film Festival (Hot Springs Arkansas)
Official Selection, Great Lakes Environmental Film Festival (Milwaukee, WI)
Official Selection, ArtPrize (Grand Rapids, MI)
Official Selection, Urban Institute of Contemporary Arts' Open Projector Night (Grand Rapids, MI)
Official Selection, Freep Film Fest (Detroit, MI)
Official Selection, Northwest Fest (Edmonton, Alberta)